Here is the agenda for the SF3 annual meeting (October 14, 2012, 11:30 am, Concourse Hotel).
Please note: we are looking for candidates to run for the position of Recording Secretary! Duties for this position include writing up minutes for the annual meeting and for any other meetings (rare) of the SF3 Board, and also keeping track of the names of all current SF3 members.
In order to vote at the annual meeting you must be a current member, which means that you must have purchased a 2012-1013 membership before the end of the 10/14/12 meeting. Membership rates are: $9 (under 17 years old), $12 (Basic/Student), $24 (Contributing), $36 (Supporting), $48 (Sustaining), and $60 (Patron). These fees are tax-deductible and we appreciate your donation. Fees are used for SF3 expenses — grants, corporation filing fees, office expenses, bank charges, etc.
Proxy form halfpage 2012
If you are unable attend the annual meeting, you may fill out a proxy form and send it to the SF3 address or give it to someone who will be attending the meeting and can deliver it in person. You must send along a check to cover the cost of your membership fee. A pdf of the proxy form is attached to this email. On the form you may assign specific persons to vote for you or you may ask that a proxy be selected at random. The form must be signed by you.
Thanks. I hope to see many of you on Sunday, October 14.
Jeanne Gomoll
President, SF3
October 14, 2012, 11:30 am
Concourse Hotel
1. Review, correct and approve minutes of previous year’s meeting. If you can’t locate your copy, please email Jeanne Gomoll to get a pdf.
2. Old Business (Please let us know if there is unresolved business to list here)
3. Officer Reports
President: Jeanne Gomoll
Vice President: Sandy Olson
Treasurer: Jim Hudson
Recording Secretary: Victor Raymond
Corresponding Secretary: Jackie Lee
4. Committee Head Reports
W36 Convention Committee: Lou Hoffman, Victor Raymond, Deborah Stone
Publications Committee: Jeanne Gomoll
Resource Committee: vacant
Program Committee: Victor Raymond
Webmistress: Â Deb Stone
Database Committee: Jim Hudson
5. Election for officer positions that expire in 2012
Recording Secretary: Victor Raymond (Victor will not run for this position again.)
Corresponding Secretary: Jackie Lee (Jackie took over Karen Moore’s position and has not served a whole term. Jackie plans to run again.)
6. Appointment of committee heads
7. New Business
Grant applications: Board of Science Fiction and Fantasy Translation Awards, Aqueduct Press, Access/ASL interpretation
SFRA Conference partnership with WisCon 38, in the year 2014
Anything else?
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