
Membership Rates

We offer three payment levels:
$24 – Annual membership
$12 – Student/financial hardship membership rate
$9 – Youth (under 18) membership

Affordability is important to us, so please take advantage of our discounted rate if you need it, and help us to keep offering that discount by paying the full price if you don’t need the discount!

Free membership in SF3 is currently available for all BIPOC individuals. To join for free, please email, with the subject line “SF3 Membership for BIPOC”.

SF3’s operational and fiscal year is September 1 to August 31. All memberships purchased prior to September 1 expire on August 31; you must purchase a membership on or after September 1 to attend and vote in the membership meeting that October.

There are two ways to join SF3:

  • Pay via PayPal (preferred):

    Membership options

    Preferred email address

  • Complete and mail a copy of the form below to SF3 with a check for your tax-deductible membership fee. Please also email so that we can expect your form and be certain to get meeting materials to you in a timely manner.

Download the PDF version of the SF3 Membership form here.